promiseDAG demo

This webpage demonstrates the use of promiseDAG visually. Below you’ll find a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Each of the nodes represents an asynchronous task that needs to be completed. The lines between tasks indicate interdependencies.

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The promise has not been created yet.

What you’re seeing

This demo page uses promiseDAG() to run 10 interdependent tasks as efficiently as possible. Each of the nodes in the diagram above represents a task.

The asynchronous tasks in this demo just consist of waiting, and then either succeeding (resolving the promise) or failing (rejecting the promise). The wait is a uniformly chosen timespan between 0 and 4 seconds. The probability of success of each node is about 93% (to make the chances of the entire network succeeding about 50%).

The promiseDAG() function returns a promise. The status of this promise is displayed just below the diagram.

Things to note

Note that the order of execution of the tasks is not fixed. Which tasks get started when is determined by how fast the dependencies get resolved. Sometimes a task in the third column is already finished when a task in the first is still pending.

Once a task fails, the promise returned by promiseDAG() is rejected and no further tasks are started.

A naive alternative to using promiseDAG() is to topologically sort the dependency graph, and then complete the tasks sequentially. Because there are 10 tasks in this demo, each with average duration 2 seconds, this would take 20 seconds on average to complete all the tasks. Using promiseDAG(), the tasks get completed much quicker.